Thursday 5 September 2013

Dreams. (Originally published 01/07/2005.)

Last night, I had a dream where my father owned a large bookstore. I would help him out from time to time, and on the particular day of my dream, there was a single mother browsing the shelves, while her 2 year old kid toddled around breaking shit and wiping snot onto expensive books.The majority of the dream played out like a cheap-ass Disney film, filled with pissweak hijinks as I ran around the store, trying to catch the kid, as the little shit would always surprise me by magically appearing on top of a book shelf and comically pissing on my head while I shook my fist in anger.

The odd part started when my father, the owner, started shouting at people to 'get the fuck out of the store', and ushering people to the exit with a steel cricket bat. He was angry because no one was buying books, and that only paying customers could stay. This left the aisles empty, but a cafe full of pretentious wankers drinking decaf choco-mocha-chacha-fucking-lattes and all agreeing that women's rights were shot to all hell in China.That's when the kid popped up on a table, and I lunged to grab it. It cackled maniacally at me, but I moved forward too fast, and knocked it off the table. It fell directly onto it's face, into a bowl of yoghurt. I picked the kid up, and removed the bowl. The yoghurt was gone, and the kids head had twisted into a fucking demon visage. It had massive fangs, and screamed at me. It yanked the bowl out of my hands, which now had holes in it, and stuck it on it's face.
The little bastard now looked like Jason Fucking Voorhees, and I ran for my life, while it cut at people's shins with a bread knife. I seem to recall most people fleeing in all directions, and one bright spark leaping through a plate glass window. It started to chase me, and the the dream suddenly changed, and I was in a bikini, standing on top of some sewerage pipes, which were suspended 50 feet above a river.


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