Thursday 5 September 2013

The Infinite Dream of a Shopping Centre. (Originally published 07/07/2005.)

It's infinite because there will always be an infinite amount of assholes to shop at one. I went to one today, and forgot that we are in the middle of a school break. Lo and behold, fifteen thousand children, off from school and spending their hard earned pocket money, that their parent just seem to give them in abundance. When I was a kid, I was given enough money for a bag of lollies, and a kick up the arse. These kids are buying $50 brand name label clothes, and parading around like show-ponies.I ventured into the Food Court, to get something mildly edible, and was confronted with an unwashed sea of filth, all vying for their allowance of fucking McDonalds and KFC, stuffing their children with the grease of ages like it's a fucking family tradition.
Having bought a reasonably healthy salad roll, I began my hunt for a seat amidst the crowd. Motioning to my fiancee that I had found an adequate abode for our eating, I was beaten by some fat, whore-like mother and her fat, fucking hateful children to my selected seat. She was like a vulture swooping in on it's prey. It was truly horrendous, the way her fat ass squeezed into the seat I had selected, and her kids tore asunder the film surrounding their greasy prize.I spat on them, and selected another seat.
I spent the rest of the day in 'man-stance', which is the position assumed by men in women's fashion stores while waiting for their other half. It consists of standing in one spot, arms crossed, and eyeing the other women in the store, and gauging how fat they are, or, how likely they are to take up the offer of a quick one in the change rooms.

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